Corona Extra Wants to Refresh Who We Are

La Comunidad, the Hispanic AOR for Corona Extra, this week broke a new campaign encouraging U.S. Hispanics to reconnect with our Latino “cultural identity and values”… which, judging from these spots, means: Let’s not get too uptight about being on time, let’s dance like real Latinos and pleaaseee never send back a soccer ball with your hands! (Ser Latino es más relajado, ¡no nos gusta verte estresado!)

I personally think this is one of those instances where the use of stereotypes is not only OK, but by becoming the very heart of the campaign, they make it cool. What do you think?

Watch and enjoy. These are as fresh as that Corona beer in your freezer that you are just dying to pop open! Oh, and leave your comentarios por favor.

All spots via La Comunidad

Chief Creative Officer: Jose Molla

Executive Creative Director: Jose Molla, Ricky Vior, Leo Prat

Producers: Laurie Malaga, Julio Rangel
Account Executive(s): Maryanne Dammrich, Victor Leon

Photographer/Designer: David Harry Stewart
Photo Agent: Stephanie Baptiste/Bransch
Producer: Stephanie Cohen

Production Company: AmericaFilmworks
Director: Diego Kaplan
Director of Photography: Lalo Martinez Solares
Executive producer: Marcelo Paiz

Radio Production: Promidi Music

Editing House: Upstairs
Editor: Alejandro Santangelo
Producer: Flor Zoccola
Music House: Promidi Music
Composer: Gabriel Saientz
Producer: Gabriel Saientz
Sound Design: Promidi Music
Audio Mix: Promidi Music

4 responses to “Corona Extra Wants to Refresh Who We Are

  1. the sound quality is very good! I would recommend alpine anything to anybody

  2. Pingback: ¿Ovidado en el otro lado? « The Mex Files

  3. Pingback: ¿Obvio en el otro lado? « The Mex Files

  4. Leonardo Basterra

    The good: Nicely executed. Most importantly, recognizes small cultural nuances within Hispanic sub-segments, but ties everything together by a BIG Hispanic insight. Kudos to La Comu’s research department.
    The bad: Music, as a culturally relevant passion point, has already been exploited by most cervezas gringas. Why go there, when Corona’s DNA spells “uniqueness”.
    The bottomline: The realities of the beer industry and the Hispanic market were “screaming” for an update in Corona’s strategic communication platform. This campaign addresses the issue, but there is a high risk of getting lost between “la bala de plata’s merengue”, “Tecate’s duranguense”, and “Presidente’s reggaeton”.

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